Fishing vessel hijacked, Indian Ocean
Issued: 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Date Reference Region Category Aggressors Source
13 May 2024 - 13:38 CW Alert 012- (May 24) Indian Ocean Hijack Pirates CLOSED SOURCE/IMB
Reports have been received of an ongoing incident onboard a fishing vessel with six crewmembers on board, approximately 162nm off Somalia. UPDATE 1: Further information has been received reporting that the Iranian-flagged fishing vessel was approached by one skiff with up to seven pirates armed with AK-47 rifles onboard. The pirates were able to board and hijack the fishing vessel. UPDATE 2: The IMB have issued a report clarifying that up to seven pirates had released the twenty-one crew of the fishing vessel, after taking the food and logistical supplies. An Indian Warship boarded and escorted the vessel to a safe distance.
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