Explosion in Close Proximity to a Bulk Carrier, Gulf of Aden
Issued: 4 weeks ago
Date Reference Region Category Aggressors Source
21 Aug 2024 - 11:44 CW Alert 013- (Aug 24) Indian Ocean Attack MILITANTS UKMTO/CLOSED
It has been reported by the Master of a bulk carrier that two explosions happened in the water in close proximity to the vessel, 57 nm South of Aden, Yemen (exact position not specified). The crew are reported safe, and the vessel is proceeding to its next port of call. UPDATE 1: It has been reported by the vessel at 1417 UTC that another explosion has happened 500 m from the vessel, position 12.18N 044.12E. UPDATE 2: The Master has reported to the UKMTO that a further two explosions in close proximity to the vessel has taken place, in position 13°03N 043°08E. No damage has been reported, the crew are safe and well and the vessel is proceeding to the next port of call. UPDATE 3: At 07:59 UTC 22/08/2024 the vessel was hit by one Unmanned Surface Vehicle on the port beam resulting in minor damage. No casualties have been reported. UPDATE 4: At 0900UTC 22/08/2024 a further explosion with estimated position 14.39N 042.11E, approximately 10 m away at port side midship of the vessel. The security team fired against an Unmanned Surface Vessel causing an explosion resulting in minor damage to the vessel. the ship engaged in evasive manoeuvres and checked all watertight Integrity which was found to be intact. Vessels are advised to keep well clear of this position and to exercise extreme caution in the vicinity.
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