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Clearwater’s Overwatch Intelligence Directory is designed to provide clients with simple access to our archive of maritime security incident intelligence, dating back to 2017. Qualitative analysis can be conducted quickly and easily via the intuitive dashboard interface, providing users with key insights to inform critical operational decision-making in high-risk areas (HRA's)

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Factual updates from our unique global intelligence network

Robbery on a Bulk Carrier, Singapore Strait
Issued: 3 days, 2 hours ago
Date Reference Region Category Aggressors Source
13 Sep 2024 - 17:25 CW Alert 007- (Sep 24) Southeast Asia Robbery ROBBERS IFC
It has been reported that there has been a robbery onboard a Marshall Islands-flagged bulk carrier while underway in the Phillip Channel, Singapore Strait. Crew sighted seven perpetrators at the port quarter of the vessel. The Master informed that all crew are safe, items of engine parts had been stolen and the vessel is continuing her transit to the next port of call.

Attempted Robbery on Bulk Carrier, Singapore Strait

It has been reported that there has been an attempted robbery on a Cypriot-flagged bulk carrier whilst underway in the Phillip Channel, Singapore Strait. Crew …

Explosion on a cargo vessel, Black Sea

Open-source reports state that an explosion occurred on a Turkish-flagged cargo vessel approximately 2nm East of Kubanskyi Island, Ukraine. Reports state that the vessel struck …

Suspicious approach on a vessel near Point Alpha, IRTC, Gulf of Aden

It has been reported that there has been a suspicious approach on a vessel whilst underway 26nm Northeast of Point Alpha, IRTC, Gulf of Aden. …

Robbery on a Container Ship, Ghana.

It has been reported that there has been a robbery on a container ship whilst anchored at Takoradi Anchorage, Ghana (exact time not specified). Four …

Robbery on a bulk carrier, Egypt

It has been reported that the Chief Officer on board a bulk carrier berthed at Port Said, Egypt discovered two stevedores exiting from the helicopter …

Robbery on a tanker, Peru

It has been reported that between fifteen and eighteen robbers boarded a tanker anchored at Callao anchorage, Peru. The robbers tied up the duty crew …

UKMTO Notice - Military Live Firing Exercise, Pakistan Coastline

It has been reported by the UKMTO that Live weapon firing will be conducted on 02 and 03 October 2023 In position: 25-11.00N 064-39.00E (116nm …

UKMTO Notice - Military Live Firing Exercise, Pakistan Coastline

It has been reported by the UKMTO that Naval ships will conduct surface, anti-aircraft and depth charge live firing practice from 0400 - 1700 UTC …

Russian air strikes on Port of Odesa

Open source reports state that overnight Russia carried out air strikes on the port of Odesa causing significant damage to the port infrastructure and destroying …

Attempted Robbery on a tanker, Peru

It has been reported that an attempted robbery occurred on a tanker whilst anchored at Callao Anchorage, Peru. A small boat with six persons onboard …

UKMTO Notice - Military Live Firing Exercise, Pakistan Coastline

It has been reported by the UKMTO that firing practice with Live ammunition will be conducted on 25 and 26 September 2023. Safety range: 18000 …

Robbery on a tanker, India

It has been reported that a robbery has occurred on an anchored tanker at Kakinada anchorage, India. The duty crew heard an engine noise to …

Explosion on a cargo vessel, Black Sea

Open-source reports state that an explosion occurred on a Togo-flagged cargo vessel approximately 10nm East of Sulina, Romania (exact time not speicifed) . The Master …